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    dogukanipek profilimde bulunan skype adresime hosting erişim bilgilerini gönder bi bakayım.

    @mekici hocam bazı uzantılar erken başlatıldığından mı ne hata veriyormuş. O hataya neden olan uzantının log kaydı da yok. Sorunu bulana kadar canım çok sıkıldı. Neyse bulduk. fof/filter uzantısı sorunluymuş . İsterseniz skype’dan size atarım composer.json’u da. Güncel uzantı listem:

    # php extiverse check
    | Extension                                  | Installed        | Highest         | FLC* | Discuss                            |
    | flarum                                     | v0.1.0-beta.14.1 | 0.1.0-beta.14.1 | ✅    |                                    |
    | askvortsov/flarum-categories               | v1.1.0           | 1.1.0           | ✅    | |
    | askvortsov/flarum-moderator-warnings       | v0.3.2           | 0.3.2           | ✅    |                                    |
    | clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-author-change   | 0.2.1            | 0.2.1           | ✅    | |
    | flarum/approval                            | v0.1.0-beta.14   | 0.1.0-beta.14   | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/bbcode                              | v0.1.0-beta.12   | 0.1.0-beta.12   | 🛑    |                                    |
    | flarum/emoji                               | v0.1.0-beta.14   | 0.1.0-beta.14   | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/flags                               | v0.1.0-beta.14.1 | 0.1.0-beta.14.1 | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/lang-english                        | v0.1.0-beta.14.1 | 0.1.0-beta.14.1 | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/likes                               | v0.1.0-beta.14   | 0.1.0-beta.14   | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/lock                                | v0.1.0-beta.14   | 0.1.0-beta.14   | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/markdown                            | v0.1.0-beta.14   | 0.1.0-beta.14   | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/mentions                            | v0.1.0-beta.14   | 0.1.0-beta.14   | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/pusher                              | v0.1.0-beta.14.1 | 0.1.0-beta.14.1 | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/statistics                          | v0.1.0-beta.14   | 0.1.0-beta.14   | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/sticky                              | v0.1.0-beta.14   | 0.1.0-beta.14   | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/subscriptions                       | v0.1.0-beta.14   | 0.1.0-beta.14   | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/suspend                             | v0.1.0-beta.14   | 0.1.0-beta.14   | ✅    |                                    |
    | flarum/tags                                | v0.1.0-beta.14   | 0.1.0-beta.14   | ✅    |                                    |
    | fof/analytics                              | 0.10.0           | 0.10.0          | ✅    |  |
    | fof/ban-ips                                | 0.3.0            | 0.3.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/best-answer                            | 0.2.0            | 0.2.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/drafts                                 | 0.2.0            | 0.2.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/filter                                 | 0.1.0-beta.3     | 0.1.0-beta.3    | ✅    |                                    |
    | fof/follow-tags                            | 0.5.1            | 0.5.1           | ✅    | |
    | fof/formatting                             | 0.2.0            | 0.2.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/forum-statistics-widget                | 0.3.0            | 0.3.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/geoip                                  | 0.2.0            | 0.2.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/github-autolink                        | 0.1.4            | 0.1.4           | ✅    | |
    | fof/html-errors                            | 0.4.1            | 0.4.1           | ✅    | |
    | fof/linguist                               | 0.4.4            | 0.4.4           | ✅    |  |
    | fof/links                                  | 0.4.1            | 0.4.1           | ✅    | |
    | fof/merge-discussions                      | 0.4.0            | 0.4.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/nightmode                              | 0.6.0            | 0.6.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/oauth                                  | 0.1.0            | 0.1.0           | ✅    |                                    |
    | fof/pages                                  | 0.5.0            | 0.5.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/polls                                  | 0.1.3            | 0.1.3           | ✅    | |
    | fof/pretty-mail                            | 0.2.0            | 0.2.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/profile-image-crop                     | 0.2.0            | 0.2.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/reactions                              | 0.4.2            | 0.4.2           | ✅    | |
    | fof/sitemap                                | 0.5.4            | 0.5.4           | ✅    | |
    | fof/spamblock                              | 0.3.0            | 0.3.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/split                                  | 0.5.0            | 0.5.0           | ✅    |                                    |
    | fof/stopforumspam                          | 0.3.1            | 0.3.1           | ✅    | |
    | fof/subscribed                             | 0.3.0            | 0.3.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/terms                                  | 0.5.0            | 0.5.0           | ✅    | |
    | fof/transliterator                         | 0.2.1            | 0.2.1           | ✅    | |
    | fof/user-bio                               | 0.3.1            | 0.3.1           | ✅    | |
    | fof/user-directory                         | 0.4.0            | 0.4.0           | ✅    |  |
    | fof/username-request                       | 0.3.0            | 0.3.0           | ✅    | |
    | jslirola/flarum-ext-login2seeplus          | v0.1.7           | 0.1.7           | ✅    |                                    |
    | kyrne/shout                                | 0.2.4-beta.1     | 0.2.4-beta.1    | ✅    |                                    |
    | matteocontrini/flarum-imgur-upload         | v3.4.1           | 3.4.1           | ✅    |                                    |
    | michaelbelgium/flarum-discussion-views     | v5.0.0           | 5.0.0           | ✅    |  |
    | michaelbelgium/flarum-profile-views        | v4.0.0           | 4.0.0           | ✅    |                                    |
    | nearata/flarum-ext-copy-code-to-clipboard  | v1.1.0           | 1.1.0           | ✅    |                                    |
    | nearata/flarum-ext-signup-confirm-password | v2.1.0           | 2.1.0           | ✅    |                                    |
    | nomiscz/flarum-ext-auth-steam              | v0.2.0           | 0.2.0           | ✅    |                                    |
    | tolgaaaltas/flarum-ext-turkish             | 0.14.0           | 0.14.0          | 🛑    | |
    | tolgaaaltas/flarum-lang-turkish            | 0.14.1           | 0.14.1          | ✅    | |
    | v17development/flarum-seo                  | 1.4              | 1.4             | ✅    | |
    * FLC: Compatiblity of extension with latest Flarum version: 0.1.0-beta.14.1
    15 gün sonra


    Şöyle bir hata aldım ne yapmam lazım kurulumda?

    Something went wrong: SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table ‘migrations’ already exists (SQL: create table migrations (migration varchar(255) not null, extension varchar(255) null) default character set utf8mb4 collate ‘utf8mb4_unicode_ci’ engine = InnoDB)

      mikel İndirdiğiniz dosya içinde bulunan sql import etmeden kurun hocam. Bunu yapabilmek için config.php’yi de silmen gerekiyor. Kurulum esnasında config.php otomatik oluşturulacak.

      5 gün sonra

      mekici Hocam şifre ne? flarumtrcom falan denedim de olmadı. Dosya için.

        mekici güncel liste. kategorileri eklemedim. çünkü sayımı her zaman doğru yapmıyor. arada php komutunu çalıştırmak gerekiyor. crontab eklenmesi gereken uzantılar var idi eklemedim. sponsor uzantıları vardı onları da eklemedim. guzzlehttp/guzzle ve ramsey/uuid uzantı değil. başka uzantılar ile bağlantıları var. uygun sürümleri de eklendi. composer remove çalıştırılır ise bu ikisi kaldırılamaz ama composer.json dosyasında gözükmez. bu sayede composer outdated -D komutunu çalıştırdığımızda uzantıların listesinde gözükmezler. listedeki tüm uzantılar bu sürümler ile sorunsuz çalışmaktadır.

        askvortsov/flarum-moderator-warnings        v0.3.2           Moderator Warnings extension for flarum.
        clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-author-change    0.2.1            Let mods update the author and date of discussions and posts
        clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-bookmarks        0.1.1            Bookmark discussions to find them easily later
        clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-group-invitation 0.1.2            Invite users into groups via links
        clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-group-list       0.1.0            List select groups and their members
        clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-mailing          0.3.0            Send individual or mass mailing to Flarum users
        flarum/approval                             v0.1.0-beta.14   Make discussions and posts require moderator approval.
        flarum/bbcode                               v0.1.0-beta.12   Allow posts to be formatted with BBCode.
        flarum/core                                 v0.1.0-beta.14.1 Delightfully simple forum software.
        flarum/emoji                                v0.1.0-beta.14   Convert text and unicode emoji into Twemoji.
        flarum/flags                                v0.1.0-beta.14.1 Allow users to flag posts for moderator review.
        flarum/lang-english                         v0.1.0-beta.14.1 English language pack.
        flarum/likes                                v0.1.0-beta.14   Allow users to like posts.
        flarum/lock                                 v0.1.0-beta.14   End a discussion and don't let anyone add further replies.
        flarum/markdown                             v0.1.0-beta.14   Allow posts to be formatted with Markdown.
        flarum/mentions                             v0.1.0-beta.14   Mention and reply to specific posts and users.
        flarum/pusher                               v0.1.0-beta.14.1 See new discussions and posts in real-time using Pusher.
        flarum/statistics                           v0.1.0-beta.14   Add a basic statistics widget on the Dashboard.
        flarum/sticky                               v0.1.0-beta.14   Pin discussions to the top of the list.
        flarum/subscriptions                        v0.1.0-beta.14   Allow users to follow discussions and receive notifications for new posts.
        flarum/suspend                              v0.1.0-beta.14   Suspend users so they can't post.
        flarum/tags                                 v0.1.0-beta.14   Organize discussions into a hierarchy of tags and categories.
        fof/analytics                               0.10.1           Tracks analytics using Google Analytics, Google Optimize/GTM and piwik
        fof/ban-ips                                 0.3.0            Ban IP addresses from your forum
        fof/bbcode-details                          0.2.0            Details BBCode for Flarum
        fof/bbcode-tabs                             0.2.0            Add tabs to your posts by using BBCode tags
        fof/best-answer                             0.2.0            Mark a post as the best answer in a discussion
        fof/default-user-preferences                0.3.0            Enable emails for replies and mentions by default in user preferences
        fof/discussion-language                     0.2.0            Specify the language a discussion is written in & sort by language
        fof/discussion-thumbnail                    0.2.0            Replace author avatars with the first image in a discussion's starting post
        fof/drafts                                  0.2.1            Allow users to create post and discussion drafts
        fof/follow-tags                             0.5.2            Follow tags and be notified of new discussions and replies
        fof/formatting                              0.2.0            Customize TextFormatter with plugins through the admin interface
        fof/forum-statistics-widget                 0.3.0            Add a forum statistics widget to the sidenav section of your Flarum forum.
        fof/frontpage                               0.2.1            Push discussions to the front of your Flarum forum index!
        fof/geoip                                   0.2.1            Geolocation for your Flarum forum
        fof/github-autolink                         0.1.4            Autolink GitHub issues and commits in posts
        fof/html-errors                             0.4.1            Add custom HTML error pages
        fof/linguist                                0.4.4            Customize translations
        fof/links                                   0.4.2            Manage Flarum primary navbar menu links
        fof/masquerade                              0.3.6            User profile builder extension for your Flarum forum.
        fof/merge-discussions                       0.4.0            Merge two or more discussions into one
        fof/nightmode                               0.6.0            Add a Night Mode option for your users to use on your Flarum forum
        fof/oauth                                   0.1.0            Allow users to log in with GitHub, Twitter, Facebook, and more!
        fof/pages                                   0.5.1            Create custom pages with Flarum
        fof/polls                                   0.2.1             A Flarum extension that adds polls to your discussions
        fof/pretty-mail                             0.2.1            Create HTML email for Flarum
        fof/profile-image-crop                      0.2.0            Allow cropping when uploading profile picture
        fof/reactions                               0.4.2            Reactions for Flarum
        fof/realtimedate                            0.2.0            Makes humantime update in real time
        fof/sitemap                                 0.5.4            Generate a sitemap
        fof/spamblock                               0.3.0            Mark user as spammer, suspending them & hiding their posts and discussions
        fof/split                                   0.5.1            Separate posts from one discussion into its own, splits discussions.
        fof/stopforumspam                           0.3.2            Stop Forum Spam
        fof/terms                                   0.5.0            Ask users to accept terms of use before using the forum
        fof/transliterator                          0.2.1            Transliterate non-ASCII characters in discussion URL
        fof/upload                                  0.11.3           The file upload extension for the Flarum forum with insane intelligence.
        fof/user-bio                                0.3.1            Add the user bio back into Flarum
        fof/user-directory                          0.4.0            The permission based public user directory extension for your Flarum forum.
        fof/username-request                        0.3.0            Allow users to request new usernames
        guzzlehttp/guzzle                           6.5.5            Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library
        jslirola/flarum-ext-login2seeplus           v0.1.7           Make posts hidden for visitors.
        kyrne/shout                                 0.2.4-beta.1     Private Messaging for Flarum.
        luuhai48/oauth-google                       v1.1.0           Add google oauth to Flarum, extends Fof/Oauth
        luuhai48/oauth-linkedin                     v1.0.0           Login using LikedIn, extends FoF/Oauth
        michaelbelgium/flarum-discussion-views      v5.0.0           Add views to flarum discussions
        michaelbelgium/flarum-profile-views         v4.0.0           Add views to profiles
        nearata/flarum-ext-copy-code-to-clipboard   v1.1.0           Allows the user to easly copy the text inside the code tag.
        nearata/flarum-ext-signup-confirm-password  v2.1.0           Adds a confirm password field in the Sign Up modal.
        nomiscz/flarum-ext-auth-steam               v0.2.0           Allow users to log in with Steam
        noriods/auto-more                           0.3.0            Automatically clicks the 'load more' button when it comes into view.
        ramsey/uuid                                 3.9.3            Formerly rhumsaa/uuid. A PHP 5.4+ library for generating RFC 4122 versio...
        sycho/flarum-action-log                     v0.1.0           Moderation/Administration Log
        tolgaaaltas/flarum-ext-turkish              0.14.1           Turkish language pack for Flarum's third party extensions.
        tolgaaaltas/flarum-lang-turkish             0.14.1           Turkish language pack for Flarum's core.
        v17development/flarum-seo                   1.4              Adds SEO tags for your Flarum forum

        Canonical url ve rss eklentilerinin kurulum paketinde olmaması beni üzdü, Extiverse de canınical uzantısı vwar, rss bulamadım 🙂

          7 gün sonra

          ben hosting sunucudan kurulum yaparsam daha sonra gelen güncellemeleri ve eklentileri composer üzerinde yapabilirmiyim?

          composer üzerinden kurulumda sorun yaşamamanız lazım. aynı firmayı bende kullanıyorum. eğer bu sorunlarınız devam ediyorsa uzantı kurmada da sorun yaşarsınız.

            durpoy hocam hosting kurulumlu dosyada full eklentiler var bne o yüzden diyorum composer üzerinden kurulum yapıyorum sorun yok ama tek tek eklenti kurmak gerekiyor çünkü eksik eklentiler var.

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